We need one united district...
Throughout my career, I’ve worked with parents and various other stakeholders to improve educational outcomes for students in this region. I am a proud resident and parent within Fontana USD. I am running for school board because I have vested interest in seeing that every school is the best it can be. As your school board member, I will work collaboratively with various stakeholders to ensure that a quality education is available for every child.
Our students should have safe and nurturing schools. We have many highly qualified teachers and administrators, but we need to create an environment that is conducive to retaining and attracting them here. Students should have adequate materials and tools in their respective classrooms. All our schools should have the same quality curriculum as any magnet or charter school in our region.
Financial transparency will be a strong priority. I will keep an open mind and listen to our community stakeholders. I don't have all the answers and I won't try to convince you that I do, but I'm committed to do my best in building strong relationships and to work collaboratively with everyone to build a strong, healthy, financially viable district.